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Dust2 Team Coaches

Janine Emmets, Executive Director of Teams

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Janine’s love for the outdoors began as a child. She would spend hours out in the woods in Upstate NY playing with her cousins between doing barn chores on the dairy farm. When she wasn’t playing in the woods or doing chores, she would be riding her bike in the farm driveway and pop as many wheelies as possible in all the pot holes. Janine’s experience with mountain biking started in college but she didn’t start seriously mountain biking until 2007, when she fell in love with the sport. She taught mountain biking to teens at an outdoor adventure center in Virginia for two years and then moved to Boulder, CO in 2009. She worked for Avid 4 Adventure for 6 years, teaching all outdoor sports but focused on biking. She instructed and directed at Valmont Bike Park in Boulder and loved every second of it. She is now one of the co-owners at Pagosa Mountain Sports. Her passion to get kids outside and active emanates from her and she is proud to have launched Pagosa Springs' first youth mtn bike team!

Stephanie Bergdolt, Coach


I am Stephanie Bergdolt, mom of 2 DUST2 Highschool Mountain Bike racers, who also loves to mountain bike.  Our relocation to Pagosa Springs, about 4 years ago, has offered our family many opportunities for outdoor activities to include biking!  I raced mountain bikes years ago and now coaching allows me to be part of the journey and development for the youth in our DUST2 program while growing their love of this sport.  Mountain Bike Team is a unique sport in that the kids don’t have to compete, win or place to have pride and experience success.  Mountain biking is a sport for life and I’m honored to be a part of DUST2 and growing this amazing sport in Pagosa Springs and at the High School racing level.

Todd Bergdolt, Coach

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I was not born in Colorado, but got here as fast as I could. I grew up in a small farming town in Paris, Illinois, attended college at Northwest Missouri State University and Graduate school at Texas State University. This is where I met my amazing wife Stephanie and we began our adventure together, starting off living in Texas for 20 years, then moving to Colorado in 2015 . We have two boys, both of whom race on the Dust2 High School NICA team. I think it is safe to say racing and coaching are in my blood! I have raced Pro Motocross, Downhill Mountain Bike and Off-road motorcycle as well as dabbling in Cross Country and Dual Slalom mountain biking. In Texas I owned a Motocross Training facility where I coached for 10 years, as well as coaching my kids in about every sport they have ever done, and was also a football and strength and conditioning coach at Pagosa Springs Middle School for a bit as well. I still race about anything on two wheels to this day! Throw in some skiing, hiking and a whole lot of back country snowmobiling and you won’t find me in the house any more than I have to be. I thoroughly enjoy working with kids of all ages and seeing them grow as riders and young adults through our great sport of mountain biking. I can’t wait to see what our next season brings. Go Pagosa!!

Amanda Gadomski, Coach

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Amanda is originally from the Chicago suburbs. Graduating from Northern Michigan University is when she gained her love for the beautiful outdoors. It wasn’t until her first trip to Montana in 2006 that she discovered her enthusiasm for biking. Shortly after that trip she moved to Colorado where she started her work with at-risk youth. Seeing kids actively learning new things about the outdoors and tackling obstacles outside their comfort zones inspired her to be a positive role model. The longer she has lived in Colorado the more exploring and adventuring she has done. While in Boulder, Colorado she worked for Avid 4 Adventure at Valmont Bike Park. Teaching kids about biking is not only about having fun, it is about instilling confidences in the rider and helping them develop their skills. Amanda is now a co-owner of Pagosa Mountain Sports. She is passionate about giving kids the opportunity to ride bikes within the community.

Mathew Wolford, Coach

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Hi, I'm coach Mat.  I have lived in Pagosa for about 8 years. This is my third season with DUST2. 

I was predominately a mountain biker however I have recently crossed over into the world of endurance trail running (loving it). I have discovered that running is where I find my fitness/challenge, biking is where I find pure joy. 

I am a CU Boulder Alum. I served in the Navy, onboard a submarine.  More recently, I am a relatively new Dad (my Son is turning 2 in May).

I am returning as a coach to promote rider confidence/independence/autonomy and joy for the outdoors. My MTB Coaching philosophy is to honor yourself, honor your team, and honor the trail (this was adopted from local legend, L. Kurt-Mason). I look forward to all the good that comes with riding with our athletes and coaches each season. 

Cameron Parker, Coach

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Who is this “Coach Cameron” who leads our children onto the trails and out in the wilderness?  He is usually late to practice, has a hard time remembering names unless they are written clearly and largely on helmets, rarely carries enough water, and has broken more than a few bones on and off the bike.

A relatively new resident of Pagosa Springs (45 years), and an avid mountain bike lover for 37 of those years, Cameron continually views everyday as an opportunity to live every day to its fullest.  His appreciation of family, friends, location and lifestyle makes it natural for an intense desire for him (me) to give back to community, the youth, and adventurist of all walks of life.  Having one legacy rider through the Dust II program, his son Davis, Cameron saw firsthand the amazing impact that coaches and the biking community has on young people as far as promoting health lifestyle and adventure community.

Cameron teaches riding and responsibility through self-reliance and positive encouragement. He believes every ride is a journey, more than a destination.  “It’s ok to slow down and look around a bit from time to time”. Cameron is highly capable in intense situations, technically trained in mountain biking, is a Wilderness First Responder, and fully believes we all have what it takes to be exceptional human beings. His passion is to bring that to the surface while riding bikes.

He is still waiting for his most athletic child, Annabelle to join the team!

Oliver Phillips, Coach


Oliver is a loud and proud Colorado native who loves nothing more than being outside! His favorite activities being MTBing, Ultra-Distrance Trail Running, Hiking, Skate Skiing and Backcountry Skiing. While attending Western State College (now Western Colorado University) in Gunnison, CO, he began pursuing the thrills of an active lifestyle. Buying a new mountain bike was expensive as a freshman in college, but he was immediately hooked and rewarded. He spent as much time on his bike as going to class; cross-country riding, technical downhill riding, even building jumps out of snow in the winters and participating on the WSC Bike Team, eventually serving as President of the club. He organized a few races that were held at Hartman
Rocks and had a blast all along the way.

Fast forward a few years, Oliver moved to Pagosa Springs in 2006 with his wife, DeEtte and 4 month old daughter. He continues to ride bikes, with his now 3 kids, and is enjoying a warmer environment. He has one son on the Adventure (middle school) Team and two racers on the High School Team. 2022 was his first year as a DUST2 coach with the High Schoolers and he loved every minute of it. Seeing the pure joy of riding in their eyes, mental & physical development as athletes and displaying sheer grit at races, he is looking forward to many more seasons helping instill the habits of an active lifestyle and enjoying all the perks that come along with it in the lives of the youth of Pagosa. 2023 will be a special season as he will get to watch that daughter of his race as a Senior and Legacy rider for DUST2 Pagosa.

Dawn Cook, Coach

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Dawn is new to Pagosa Springs, but not to mountain biking or working
with youth.
Growing up on the front range, Dawn wasn't introduced to the mountain
bike until after college.  Her love for riding grew on the trails in Big
Bear, California, and the bike has allowed her to explore much of the
Western US.  Dawn spent years in the classroom as a teacher, and taught
youth outdoor education in the forest.  She coached the Big Bear
Mountain Bike Team for four years where she was a GRiT Ambassador (Girls
Riding Together). Dawn has taught beginner women to high school athletes
how to ride.  Through ambassadorship, GRiT and Juliana, and the local
riding group, GGR, Dawn has always had a strong passion for getting more
girls and women on bikes.
Dawn believes the mountain bike teaches a variety of things: patience,
humility, perseverance.  She enjoys riding and racing her bike, whether
it's cross country, single speed or enduro. Dawn loves sharing her joy of
riding with others and can usually be found smiling on the trails as she
"plays bikes".

Karmen McEachern, Coach

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My name is Karmen McEachern. I grew up in Montana and moved to Colorado over 20 years ago, to snowboard at Wolf Creek for a season. I fell in love with the area and decided to make Pagosa Springs my home.
I started mountain biking about 10 years ago, and joined the Dust 2 coaching team 3 years ago. Both my boys are on the team. Logan is on the middle school team and Bradley  is on the highschool race team.
It has been a true privilege to be a part of the coaching staff and the team. The entire program has such a positive vibe. Definitely one of the best sports experiences I have had as a parent and coach. It has been so rewarding watching the kids grow up and improve their biking skills each year. The determination these kids have is inspiring every practice, every race, and every day. Pedal on!
Karmen MCEachern

Michael Baird

Denise Chaney

Kevin Daugherty
Terri Daugherty

Logan Hart

Jon Howard

Don Jonason
Rodney Peart
DeEtte Phillips

Patrick Shaffer
Ericka Vincent

Contact the Team

Email for the Director of Teams for DUST2 – Janine Emmets

Please – Donate to the Team

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