Developing Urban Singletrack
Trails & Teams
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Trails cost money, averaging $3-$6 per linear foot or more. In addition to the cost of building trail, we have other expenses including trail tools, storage, insurance, events, trail crew leader training, food for our hard working trail volunteers and member benefits. With grants, donations and funding from programs, we can hire trail crews and machines to get trails built more quickly and further leverage the work of our volunteers. Also, a large active membership gives us credibility as we work with land managing agencies such as the city, county, and Forest Service in planning more trails.
Your membership dues help fund
Advocacy for new trail projects
Trail restoration, maintenance, planning, and construction projects
Volunteer training and education
Races and community events
You receive
Stronger voice representing cyclists on access issues and travel management decisions
Great rides, camaraderie, food and good times
10% discount off retail purchases at Pagosa Mountain Sports bike shop (Downtown & Uptown Locations)
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